Futurist Baldessari

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Where? City Museum


From Abstractionism to Dynamism

Temporary exhibition with a rich selection of works, some of them previously unpublished, covering a wide range of Roberto Marcello Baldessari’s experimentation.

A much-awaited exhibition, 13 years after the last temporary exhibition dedicated to the artist in 2011, the exhibition at the City Museum is the result of many valuable collaborations of the Fondazione Museo Civico with various institutions, first and foremost with the Mart, as well as with private collectors, and brings the focus back to the art, culture and ideas of one of the most revolutionary movements of the 20th century.

An artist gifted with an astonishing technique, whether in oil paintings, pastels, or mixed techniques, but also a very solid designer, Baldessari is today finding his rightful place among the great artists of his time. The variety of media in the 70 works on display is extremely interesting: 55 paintings, as well as three valuable sculptures, engravings, and pastels.

The exhibition, in the idea of the curator Maurizio Scudiero, is not typically chronological, but follows a thematic division according to the subjects that the artist interpreted most throughout his career, both by vocation and because they were more functional to the discourse of Futurism.

The exhibition is organised by the Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto in collaboration with Mart – Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Trento and Rovereto, promoted by the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Vallagarina Community, the Municipality of Rovereto, the APT Rovereto Vallagarina Monte Baldo, and with the support of the Cassa Rurale Alto Garda and Rovereto.

Info and map

Museo della Città

Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto

Via Calcinari, 18

38068 Rovereto (TN)

T: +39 0464 452800



  • Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto
  • Museo della Città

Opening time

Opening time: From Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.



  • Full € 7.00 (also includes admission to the Museum of Science and Archaeology)
  • Reduced € 5.00 (over 65 and affiliated institutions)
  • Family € 10,00 (two adults with at least one child)
  • Free admission for children up to 19 years of age, university students up to 24 years of age, disabled people with an accompanying person, accompanying teachers, registered journalists, professionals in the field of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MIBACT and Superintendence employees), ICOM members, Cassa Rurale Alto Garda-Rovereto members, MCR Foundation Membership holders, Trentino Guest Card and Trentino Museum Pass holders
  • Guided tours of the exhibitions (scheduled) € 7.00 (includes entrance to the exhibition venue hosting the exhibition)
  • Activities for the public (scheduled) € 7.00

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