La Cadalora winery

More than 35 years of vines and “terroir” enhancement

The winery history dates back to the 1980s, when the brothers Rodolfo and Tiziano Tomasi took over the paternal property and renovated the production philosophy.

Thanks to the experiences gained in different wine-growing areas (countryside, oenology, research), Tiziano, Rodolfo and now Michele produce nowadays excellent wines that maximize viticulture and terroirs.

La Cadalora strongly believes that “Good Wine” is the result of the evocative capacity of a territory. This is unique and unmatched and, combined with the artisan’s mastery, allows you to get great products. All this implies an ecosystem in balance with nature. The territory has been and will always be the ancestral bond of the company’s oenological tradition.

The human love for his own land and his work, the small size of the farm, the control of the raw material directly on the field, the knowledge and the art kept for generations are the mainstays on which the farm is based on.

Cadalora is the only winery in Trentino that produces a special kind of wine best called as Majere whose grape was mainly cultivated in the municipalities of Ala, Mori and Rovereto until the 1970s.

In the cellar, you can choose among different experiences: from the guided tours with wine tasting to the itineraries through the vineyards, to be covered by foot or by bike. You will also receive a basket with a precious bottle of wine that you can taste along the path or at your own home at the end of the walk.

And speaking of your home…have you ever thought about an online tasting? The Tomasi family will send the chosen wines at your door and will then make an online appointment to tell you the entire process of their production, from the vineyard to the glass, to reveal the history of the family and the secrets of working in the countryside. Find out how to book your online tasting!

  • Products: High quality wines of Vallagarina, Majere
  • Shops: Via Trento 44, 38061 Santa Margherita di Ala (TN)
  • Tastes: On reservation
  • Group visits: On reservation

Info and map

Azienda Agricola La Cadalora

Via Trento, 44
38061 Santa Margherita di Ala (TN)

T: +39 0464 696443
M: +39 339 7351398
F: +39 0464 696540


  • La Cadalora

Opening time

Opening: from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 14 pm to 18 pm. Saturday and Sunday on reservation from 9 am to 12 pm.


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Wine cellars in Rovereto and Vallagarina


Wine cellars in Rovereto and Vallagarina
